10:21 AM
We're in the hospital now, first admitted at about 7:00 am. The midwife decided pitocin was the preferred induction method, and Kyra has been on an intravenous drip since 9:30 or so. She's had more and more contractions, but it's not too fast yet. Keep watching for updates!
11:55 AM
Kyra is having more and more contractions. Everything is going well. We watched Robin Hood: Men in Tights and now we're watching TV. Carla stopped by and then left for an appointment. Otherwise, not much going on!
2:44 PM
It's been a while since I updated this post. The midwife broke Kyra's water around noon. Kyra had a number of very powerful contractions, and we decided to get an epidural. It was quite painful placing it, but now the pain is much more tolerable, and she is able to talk through the contractions (on the phone, too!). Both Kyra and the baby are doing very well now.
4:05 PM
Kyra is now 90% effaced and 5 cm dilated. She's relatively pain-free, and her and the baby are doing well. Here's a picture of Kyra earlier today:

7:28 PM
Kyra is fully dilated! The midwife suggested waiting a few hours before pushing so the baby drops a bit more. Kyra's dad is guessing 10:00 pm. It could be tomorrow, but it will be soon for sure!
2:58 AM
A late, late update. So Kyra pushed like hell for three hours, but he wasn't making it through. The midwife called in the doctor, and she decided it was best to do a c-section. It was a bit of an ordeal, but everyone is okay, and our son is born!
We're in the hospital now, first admitted at about 7:00 am. The midwife decided pitocin was the preferred induction method, and Kyra has been on an intravenous drip since 9:30 or so. She's had more and more contractions, but it's not too fast yet. Keep watching for updates!
11:55 AM
Kyra is having more and more contractions. Everything is going well. We watched Robin Hood: Men in Tights and now we're watching TV. Carla stopped by and then left for an appointment. Otherwise, not much going on!
2:44 PM
It's been a while since I updated this post. The midwife broke Kyra's water around noon. Kyra had a number of very powerful contractions, and we decided to get an epidural. It was quite painful placing it, but now the pain is much more tolerable, and she is able to talk through the contractions (on the phone, too!). Both Kyra and the baby are doing very well now.
4:05 PM
Kyra is now 90% effaced and 5 cm dilated. She's relatively pain-free, and her and the baby are doing well. Here's a picture of Kyra earlier today:
7:28 PM
Kyra is fully dilated! The midwife suggested waiting a few hours before pushing so the baby drops a bit more. Kyra's dad is guessing 10:00 pm. It could be tomorrow, but it will be soon for sure!
2:58 AM
A late, late update. So Kyra pushed like hell for three hours, but he wasn't making it through. The midwife called in the doctor, and she decided it was best to do a c-section. It was a bit of an ordeal, but everyone is okay, and our son is born!
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