Birthday Wishes for Chris

Today is Chris's birthday. We were supposed to go out tonight to celebrate, but Luca started running a fever Friday, so that nixed those plans. Such is life with children.

This weekend wasn't what Chris expected either. Luca was exceedingly cranky, not surprising with a fever and cold. Other events developed though, which left both of shocked and saddened...

I know Chris is still dealing with what happened, and doesn't feel quite like celebrating as much as he otherwise would but:

My Dearest Chris,

Loving husband and caring father,

I am so lucky to celebrate another year of life with you.
You make our family so special.
The way you tenderly care for your son, the way you lovingly support me,
Luca and I are always reminded that we are the most important part of your life.
So many times, like now, I am at a loss to express what you mean to me.
I want to put it into words, to make sure you truly understand,
I just have to trust that you know, that you feel it too.
I celebrate your life, the battles you have fought
Growing up, with your health,
And I know there are still more battles ahead.
But never forget the joy you bring to those in your life,
The smiles you put on your little boy's face
The wonderful house you have made for your wife.

I celebrate you. I love you. Happy Birthday, my darling.

All my love,



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